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Civil Society Coalition Leads Treaty Initiative

METO: Striving for a Weapons-Free Middle East

Civil Society Coalition Leads Treaty Initiative

METO (Middle East Treaty Organization) is a non-governmental organization founded in 2017 by a coalition of civil-society activists and practitioners. Its primary mission is to eradicate all weapons of mass destruction from the Middle East region. The organization believes that such weapons pose a grave threat to regional and global security.

METO's efforts have been met with mixed reactions from various governments within the region. Some countries, like Iran, have expressed support for the treaty initiative, while others, like Saudi Arabia, have remained opposed. Despite these challenges, METO continues to advocate for its vision of a weapons-free Middle East.

The organization's Draft Treaty, which is constantly being revised and updated, serves as a roadmap for achieving its goals. The treaty outlines a series of steps that need to be taken, including the establishment of a regional disarmament zone, the prohibition of the production and sale of weapons of mass destruction, and the creation of an international monitoring mechanism.

METO's work is gaining momentum and attracting support from civil society organizations and individuals around the world. The organization is hopeful that its efforts will eventually lead to a more peaceful and stable Middle East.
